Crash course on Bread and Cheese
Bread and cheese are delicious — but did you know it’s also a day?!
The origins of Bread and Cheese Day in Six Nations goes back to the War of 1812

Bread and Cheese. More than just two of Falen and Leah's favourite foods. Did you know it's also a day? In Falen's community of Six Nations, every Victoria Day weekend people from the community get in line and walk through the local arena to get a big squishy slice of bread and a giant hunk of orange cheese. Delicious? Yes. But why?
Key References
- Why Do We Celebrate Victoria Day: An Exercise in Frustration by Andrea Eidinger
- Victoria Day Government of Canada
- The Two Row Wampum-Covenant Chain Tradition as a Guide for Indigenous - University Research Partnerships by Richard W. Hill & Daniel Coleman (note: links to a download)
- A short introduction to the Two Row Wampum by Tom Keefer - Briarpatch
- Two Row Wampum – Gaswéñdah - Dyodihwasnye'nha'
- The Six Nations Confederacy During the American Revolution - National Park Service
- History of Six Nations - Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation
- Visit of the Governor General and the Countess of Dufferin to the Six Nations Indians
- Loyalty to the Crown - The Great War Centenary Association