Quirks Question: Why does my tummy hurt when I'm nervous or scared?
Dr. Maria Ines Pinto Sanchez from the Health Sciences Centre at McMaster University answer's this week's Question about the connection between being nervous and having stomach pain

This week's Question comes to us from 8 year old Delilah Sauve, who lives in Ottawa.
Delilah has a question for <a href="https://twitter.com/CBCQuirks">@CBCQuirks</a> <a href="https://t.co/ELN9cQsAi7">pic.twitter.com/ELN9cQsAi7</a>
Dr. Maria Ines Pinto Sanchez, from the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute at McMaster University's Health Sciences Centre explains that there is a connection between nerves in your stomach and the brain. When your brain signals nervousness or fear, your stomach responds accordingly, even though you may not be ill.