How We'll Live on Mars
Journalist Stephen Petranek's new book looks at some ambitious plans for putting large numbers of humans on Mars and what they'll need to survive and thrive.
A recipe for getting to and colonizing Mars

Stephen Petranek thinks we'll get to Mars, but not on NASA's timeline, and he endorses an ambitious plan that goes well beyond NASA's current ambitions. He thinks we'll colonize Mars, and soon.

He explores Mr. Musk's plan to build colony ships that could take hundreds or even thousands of people to Mars by mid-century, and then looks at the kinds of systems we can use to create habitats, extract water and oxygen and grow food on Mars. Finally, he looks at some of the possibilities of making Mars more Earth-like, and perhaps using genetic technologies to make Earthlings more Mars-compatible.
Related Links
- How We'll Live on Mars - Simon & Schuster
- Bob's Blog on exploring Mars