Adventures in the Anthropocene
A new book by science journalist Gaia Vince explores the way humanity is transforming the planet, particularly through climate change, and how people are adapting to the new reality.
A tour-guide to how the Age of Humanity is changing the planet, and how people are adapting to it

We live in a geological epoch that many scientists refer to as The Anthropocene, or the Age of Humanity. When it began is not exactly clear, but why it began is much better understood. It started as human activity - and not natural events - changed the Earth, in every way, from the landscape to the chemistry of the oceans, from the biodiversity of species to the climate.

In those often remote locations, we meet people who are adapting and making amazing innovations of their own, in order to survive the coming climate crisis.
Related Links
- Adventures in the Anthropocene
- Gaia Vince's blog
- Adventures in the Anthropocene - Royal Society Winton Prize Winner
- Review in The Guardian
- BBC news story