Exploring the brains of PTSD sufferers
Magnetic Encephalography gives a real-time picture of unusual levels of connectedness in anxiety-associated parts of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder sufferers
Cutting-edge imagery gives insights into the neurology of PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a disabling condition that has a suite of symptoms, including a hyper-alertness and anxiety about potential threats - real or not.
Dr. Benjamin Dunkley, a clinical associate in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and his colleagues, are interested in whether these psychological symptoms are also reflected in unusual brain activity.
They used Magnetic Encephalography to look for patterns of brain activity that could be used to better understand the disorder, as well as diagnose it more accurately and help evaluate which therapies might be most successful for treating. In their early results, they've found unusual "hyper-connectivity" in the brains of soldiers with PTSD.
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