Neanderthal genes leave unhealthy legacy
Neanderthal genes in modern humans linked to health problems

Dr. Tony Capra, a biologist from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and his colleagues, have been investigating just what these Neanderthal genes are doing. By comparing the Neanderthal genome to a large database of medical records, including modern human genomes, he's found correlations between Neanderthal genes and several modern health issues, including skin disorders, blood clots, immune system function, and psychiatric problems.
Because medical records tend to record problems, rather than benefits, this comparison really only reveals the dark side of Neanderthal genes. It will take further study to understand what positive contributions Neanderthal DNA might have made to modern humans.
Related Links
- Paper in Science
- Vanderbilt University release
- Science magazine news article
- Discovery news story
- The Atlantic story