Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle honeymoon in Alberta?
Our pop culture contributor discusses rumours about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's honeymoon destination, new music from Ariana Grande and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Every Tuesday, pop culture contributor Anne T. Donahue stops by q to share two things she loves and one thing that she could live without — we call it "two goods and a bad." For the first thing she loves this week, Donahue discusses Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's rumoured honeymoon to Jasper National Park, Alta. Her second "good" has to do with brand new music from Ariana Grande. As for the thing she's not loving, Donahue talks about the criticisms facing Solo: A Star Wars Story, which just opened this past weekend.
— Produced by Vanessa Greco
Ariana Grande, The Light Is Coming (Teaser)