Five years later, Radiohead and family of Scott Johnson are still seeking answers

Some bands will come to your town or city, and put on a concert. With Radiohead, it's always a big production and it takes a big, specialized crew to put on these shows. Back in 2012, Radiohead lost a member of that team.
Radiohead was getting ready to perform on an outdoor stage in Toronto when the top of it came crashing down. The band's drum technician, Scott Johnson, died after being crushed under the scaffolding. Four other crew members were injured. Stories tricked out, asking how the stage collapsed but charges against an engineer, a contractor and an entertainment company were tossed out. A judge said they were taking too long to go to trial.
It was a huge blow to Radiohead and it raised questions about the safety of other big concerts. Late yesterday, CBC News reported that an inquest will be held into the death of Radiohead's drum technician. Katie Nicholson is a reporter with CBC's investigative unit and she's been working on this story for a while, and she scored an exclusive interview with Radiohead's drummer, Philip Selway. Today, she's here to talk about the "who" in this story: who is traumatized, who is still grieving and who wants justice.
— Produced Vanessa Greco