Mystery package service brings intrigue to your doorstep
Timothy Sullivan on the Mystery Package Company, a subscription service that caters to our craving for storytelling and surprise.

Imagine receiving a strangely weathered envelope in the mail. The writing is unfamiliar. There is no return address. That's how The Mystery Package Company introduces itself to new members.
Timothy Sullivan, the company's self-described "architect to the curator", joins guest host Candy Palmater to discuss the curious subscription package service, its anonymous curator, and what he's learned about the human desire for mystery and storytelling.
"We are storytellers, and we tell stories in the medium of the postal service," says Sullivan.
WEB EXTRA | What should you do if you receive a mysterious package? Watch the company how-to video below.
Plus, watch q producer Julia Pagel sort through various curiosities, and a company member opening one of the mystery crates.