The Beaverton is Canada's newest destination for fake news and political satire

The Beaverton is joining the political satire game at a very strange time in media and pop culture.
The new Comedy Network show hosted by Miguel Rivas and Emma Hunter began a fake news website similar to The Onion, which premiered the day after the U.S. presidential election.
Rivas says "It's a little hard to intake comedy right now since people are feeling the loss," but he believes, "satire and comedy are what people are going to lean on".
With some blaming the media and its normalization of Donald Trump, are Hunter and Rivas tackling their show any differently? Hunter says "everything is on the table" when it comes to satire. Rivas points out that with The Beaverton, "a main goal is to always be punching in the right direction."
WEB EXTRA | Watch a clip from The Beaverton below.