Meet Tina Fey's real-life inspiration for Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

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Yes, there are frat-style parties in war zones. And reporters really do become addicted to the "high" of war reporting.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, starring Tina Fey, may be a fictionalized version of a foreign correspondent's first assignment to Afghanistan and Pakistan — but there's a lot of truth in the retelling, says Kim Barker.
And she should know.
Barker is the real journalist who inspired the film, which is neither a typical war drama nor a strictly comedic Fey project. Although the film draws heavily from Barker's book, The Taliban Shuffle, the filmmakers make full use of their creative license. The reporter's dark humour translates to the big screen, but other details — like the R in her last name — didn't make the cut.
Today Barker joins Shad to share the absurd, heartfelt and frustrating stories that inspired the film, the strange culture of the "kabubble", and why she's more than okay with the adaptation.
"Obviously, they've Hollywooded it up. There's more bang bang," she laughs.

WEB EXTRA | Although the trailer (below) puts emphasis on the comedy, the film offers a lot of texture that's hard to sum up in highlights.