Alex Lehmann leaves the comedy to the comedians in his new documentary Asperger's Are Us

Director Alex Lehmann's new Netflix documentary Asperger's Are Us follows a group of comedians who fall on the autism spectrum. "I guess I had these preconceived notions that autistics aren't the type of people who are going to get up on stage and entertain a group of people," admits Lehmann. "It's scary for me to think about getting up on stage," he adds. But once he learned about the comedians behind the sketch troupe Asperger's Are Us, "I was obsessed with them from the beginning," he says, "I just wanted to know everything about them."
Lehmann tried convincing the group to make this documentary by hitting them with jokes via email. "It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they are always taking things, literally," the director jokes that this wordplay wasn't very successful with the sketch troupe. So, he left the comedy to the comedians.
Lehmann's documentary forces us to confront our assumptions about autism and humour. "We're all a little different," says Lehmann and sometimes the world is "not inclusive enough to the wonderful diversity of people."
WEB EXTRA | Watch the trailer for Asperger's Are Us below.