Felicia Day: "I want people to embrace their weirdnesses"
Actress turned "geek superheroine" Felicia Day joins guest host Tom Power to discuss her memoir, You're Never Weird on the Internet.
Actress turned "geek superheroine" Felicia Day joins guest host Tom Power to discuss her humorous memoir, You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost).
In it, the veteran vlogger details her rise from TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural to founding and running her own hugely popular YouTube channel and production company, Geek & Sundry.
Although Day's longtime love for the internet is palpable, she also opens up on the dark side of our digital lives, reflecting on her own experience with gaming addiction and having her personal information published online.
WEB EXTRA | How exactly does one embrace their weirdnesses? Felicia Day explains in one of her recent videos.