The original Star Wars told in a single epic image

The Last Jedi is out today, but it's already receiving rave reviews. It's the eighth official film in the Star Wars trilogies, which started 40 years ago this year. What better time to look back on the original, which hit theatres May 25, 1977, but still manages to hold our attention and has spawned an expanded universe of related merchandise, action figures, cartoons, comic books, clothing and more.

One artist, Martin Panchaud, has taken his appreciation to the next level and created a single image that tells the entire story of the very first Star Wars. From our introductions to Princess Leia, C-3PO and R2-D2 aboard a fleeing rebel ship to — SPOILER ALERT — the destruction of the Death Star, this endlessly scrolling image tracks every detail with graph-like precision.

Heads up, it may actually take just as long to read every bit of info as it would to rewatch Star Wars, but one thing for certain is that you've definitely never seen it like this before.
Check out the full Star Wars tribute at
— Jesse Kinos-Goodin