5 Mind-bending podcasts on altered states
Usually we control our brains and bodies. But sometimes, it's like they have minds of their own.
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1. You Are Not So Smart
"Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were both presidents of the United States elected 100 years apart... both were shot and killed by assassins who were known by 3 names, with 15 letters." — David McRaney, on The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. The list of mind-blowing similarities goes on.
2. Flash Forward Podcast
"Russians started using testosterone from animals... I think it really grew out of some cold war rivalry." — David Epstein, on The Altered State
ProPublica reporter and author of The Sports Gene breaks down the three main arguments for why doping should be legalized.
3. Sickboy
"This is what's so frustrating for anyone living with mental illness... whatever you are today, and whatever you're doing to deal with it today, tomorrow could be something entirely different." — Drew Dudley, on Bipolar, Alcoholism, Morbid Obesity, and Being a Better Human
An inspirational TED talk speaker drops by the studio to share his personal history with mental illness.
4. Anxious Machine
"[Cannabis] originated in Central and Southern Asia and it shows up in the burial of priests and shamans from China to Eastern Europe, dating back at least 5,000 years." — Rob McGinley Myers, on Didn't Want to be Conscious
Learn the history of drugs through the experience of the host's sister, who is a recovering addict.
5. The Rich Roll Podcast
"I do not fear death, I fear not to live fully." — Wim "The Iceman" Hof, on Why Break Is Life, Cold Is God & Feeling Is Understanding.
Known for his ability to withstand extreme cold, Hof shares how he mentally prepared to scale Mount Everest... in shorts.
6. Reply All
"I realized that if I was so tiny and the world was so vast, then the part of me that was hurting, that was even tinier." — PJ Vogt, on Shine On You Crazy Goldman
Could LSD unlock our better selves? Host PJ investigates first hand.
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