'I've seen no evidence that race played any part': Gerald Stanley's lawyer comments on the Colten Boushie case

This story originally aired on January 8, 2017
Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley has been charged with second degree murder in the shooting death of Colten Boushie. He has pleaded not guilty and is currently out on bail.
Out in the Open requested an interview with Mr. Stanley. His lawyer Scott Spencer said his client has no plans to say anything until after the legal proceedings. But Mr. Spencer did offer the following statement:
"From the defense perspective, our biggest concern is that Gerald gets a fair trial. And we are very concerned that there's been a lot of misinformation reported in the media, both mainstream and to a greater extent social media. It's unfortunate that individuals who don't know what happened that day continue to make statements that are simply not founded in fact. In doing so, they risk compromising the legal process. As I have said throughout, I believe that media attention to this matter could compromise Gerald's right to a fair trial and I encourage everyone to reserve judgment until they know the facts so that they can make a fair and intelligent comment. From my personal perspective, I have seen no evidence that race played any part in the tragic circumstances that escalated on the Stanley Farm on August 9, 2016. And I'm confident that will be borne out at trial."