The complicated cost of apologizing for residential schools

In 2007, the Canadian federal government earmarked billions of dollars to compensate former students of Indian residential schools
Putting a price on "sorry" and actually calculating the cost of amends is complicated.
So is being the recipient of those funds.
Garnet Angeconeb attended residential school for six years. He received $25,000 in reparations.
"It was kind of like a bittersweet moment for me. Yes, I have all this money but...This is not going to bring my childhood back. This is not going to help restore my dignity."
He decided to accept the compensation and share it with his children and grandchildren because of the intergenerational impact of the residential school system.
Doug George-Kanentiio was 11-years-old when he attended residential school. He received $13,500 in reparations.
Doug says reparations show a degree of sincerity but the process itself turned some Indigenous people off.
As a former student, you could qualify for reparations in two ways.
The first was for anyone who went to residential schools. They were eligible to receive $10,000 for the first year they attended, and $3,000 for subsequent years.
The second way was the process Doug is referring to - the Independent Assessment Process - which is more controversial.

"...You do feel as though you're once again a victim. We were faced with a dilemma. One was substantiating those claims so that we could get those points and another thing is having to come up with those highly personal, embarrassing, humiliating details as to what incident happened, when it happened and how often."
Doug also says that throughout the process of reparations and reconciliation the onus is put on survivors, not only to provide intimate details of abuse, but to extend forgiveness.
"The part that was omitted throughout all of this is the opportunity to actually sit across from the abusers and ask for their apology. That's never been done...We've never had that opportunity."
This story originally aired on January 15, 2017