'Some people spell ADHD... as N-U-T-S'

Russ Le Blanc was thrilled when it was finally confirmed that he has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — better known by its acronym ADHD.
Symptoms include trouble focusing, being easily distracted, forgetfulness, and making careless mistakes. You may be impulsive, or chronically disorganized. You may lose things a lot.
When we talk about ADHD we usually talk about kids, but Russ was 49 years old when he was diagnosed. He'd been seeking help for years.
Some people spell ADHD... as N-U-T-S.- Russ LeBlanc
It had been invisible — even to him — for most of his life.
But once the news sunk in and he began to tell people around him, Russ isn't so sure it's made his life better.
"My doctor asked me, 'Do you think you're better off knowing that you have [ADHD]?'...I don't know. It solves a question I've always had. Whether or not that answer does me good, jury's still out," he said.
The most important thing to Russ is that people understand it does exist.
"I term it as the Rodney Dangerfield of disorders. It gets no respect."
This story originally aired on March 12, 2017. It appears in the Out in the Open episode Invisible Illness.