Time to binge on season one of On Drugs

It feels like we just got started, but Season One of On Drugs is now a wrap.
Well it turns out there are a lot more than ten episodes worth of stories to tell about human beings and drugs, so we're going to be back in the New Year with another season of the podcast. This will give us a chance to go wider and deeper with our investigations.
Nothing is set in stone yet, but we're looking at possible episodes about the troubled history of anti-drug education, the persistent problem of drugs in prison and the rise and fall of quaaludes, a prescription drug that helped define the disco era.
In the meantime, now is your opportunity to dive into anything you missed from our first season.
We covered a lot of ground, from the role of drugs in warfare, to ways that gender shapes our relationship with drugs of all kinds. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, so you have all the episodes the moment they arrive. We also post podcast extras from time to time, featuring material you won't hear anywhere else. Click here to subscribe through Apple Podcasts