The Nudge: Step outside of your comfort zone with Now or Never
Because if you're not at least a little bit uncomfortable, you're not growing.

This season, Now or Never wants you to step outside of your comfort zone — because that's where change happens.
It turns out that if you're not at least a little bit uncertain, you're not growing. That's what the science says! So let's get uncomfortable together.
Sign up to receive the Now or Never 'Nudge' and every month, we'll issue a simple challenge that will push you, one small step at a time, out of your comfort zone.
Whether it's meeting a stranger, putting down your phone, or learning how to fail — step aside, Cub Scouts, the nudge squad is here!
Nudge #1: Step out of your social bubble
Whether it's someone you see on the bus every day, the neighbour you wave to but know absolutely nothing about, or even the person who serves you coffee — it's time to say hello and burst that social bubble of yours.
Are you up for the challenge? Tell us about the stranger you will commit to talk to! Want to participate in future challenges? Sign up for our newsletter.
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