What's on Adrienne Arsenault's Now or Never list?

Adrienne Arsenault has covered stories from around the the world. As a foreign correspondent and former chief of the CBC's Middle East bureau, she has earned a reputation as one of this country's most respected journalists. And this week, she leapt into a new role — as one of the four new co-hosts of The National.
Adrienne is used to asking some tough questions. So we decided to turn the tables and have her take our Now or Never List. Her response: "Why am I so suddenly afraid?"
What is one thing you did as a kid that you would love to do now?
I used to LOVE playing tennis as a kid. I would go with my racket and a can of balls and, like, $4 in coins, and I would go sit at the public courts at the end of our street. And I would sit there all day long, basically begging people to play with me. Complete strangers, adults — anybody. I would stay there until the moment the club opened until the street lights were on.
What is one thing in your life that you can't bring yourself to throw out?
Those boots I was telling you about. I bought them in the 90s, I have taken them to every crazy, snaky location I've ever been to. They've been re-soled I think three times. They're pretty disgusting looking.
But I can't get rid of them. I feel like if I get rid of them something really bad is going to happen. It's so stupid — they're just a pair of boots, but I love them. My entire career is in these boots.

What is one physical challenge you want to try this year?
Now this is where I have an issue with Ms. Barton. Because I heard her say, "I want to do a pull-up," and I thought, "No! That's my physical challenge. One perfect pull-up."
Rosie and I were just joking about that earlier today. I think we can do this, and I think we might have to challenge the boys.
Who should you really have a conversation with?
I should spend more time talking to my mom. She taught me how to deflect uncomfortable conversations, and I have not pushed back on her to say: "I see you, I see what you're doing." So, kindly and gently, I should probably make time to push back and have a good, thorough conversation with her.
This incredible woman, when I told her I was going to Syria, she said, "Oh, well that's good!" She's got stones of steel, and I think the world of her. I should not take her intellect or her time for granted.
What is one big thing you want to get done in the next year?
I have a huge crush on my job as it is, as a correspondent. I really want to get to a point where I have a crush on this new gig too.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity. To hear Adrienne's full interview with Now or Never, click the 'listen' button above.