Breaking a sweat with a 90-year-old fitness buff
Frances Polley is an inspiring 90-year-old who's in better shape than people half her age.
by Now or Never host Ify Chiwetelu
I arrived at Winnipeg's Forks Market on a sunny Thursday afternoon in November, not sure what to expect.
I hovered outside the room where an intense exercise class was winding down. I could see sweat-drenched participants forcing their bodies into complicated yoga poses.

"Oh, that yoga class is for 55+ too!" Polley reassured me. I immediately regretted my decision to forego a sports bra.
Exercising with Polley was a necessary reminder to me of the importance of keeping active at every age and stage. Physical fitness isn't something that just happens once you have more time, more money or more elite athletic clothing.

She won. I was grateful for the lesson.