How are you making your relationship work?

Whether you're single, newly dating, or rocking a 30-year marriage, we could all use a little advice on how to make our relationships stronger.
On this episode of Now or Never, meet couples in committed relationships who've figured out the joys of being together, and the key to making it work.
A lot has happened to Lisa Muswagon and Karmen Omeasoo since they first met at a hip hop show 19 years ago. Five kids. A colicky new baby. Disrupted careers because of COVID. And on top of that, Karmen has been living with stage five kidney failure. So how have they managed to keep their marriage strong with all this stress? Turns out, the secret is making goofy videos together on Tik Tok and a little bit of faith.
Happily ever... apart? Kathie Brosemer and Louie St. Pierre are a pair of 60-something lovebirds who swear that married life is better as next-door neighbours.
Kyle Demes and Aaron Robinson have a secret weapon when it comes to navigating their future together: a folder full of colour-coded lists of shared values, goals and priorities.
Eddie and Djanka Gajdel have had three weddings in their 35 years of marriage, and are planning number four. They walk us through each of their weddings, and the ups and downs of married life, one song at a time. As Eddie says, "any good contract should be revisited on a regular basis."
When Sean Tam was diagnosed with terminal cancer just two months before his 2019 wedding, he and his partner Ally decided to take a leap for love. They share what gets them through an uncertain future, and how being together has helped make them brave.