What questions do you have about how recycling works?
Plus, how to navigate care for an aging adult. Send your questions at cbc.ca/myquestion.

Demystifying recycling -- what questions do you have about how recycling works -- or doesn't work?
We've all heard the statistic… less than 10 per cent of plastic used in Canada gets recycled. You may have met people who have given up on recycling altogether. This week on Just Asking, we are going to bust some myths around the Blue Box. What questions do you have about recycling and how it works – or doesn't work?
And what questions do you have about caring for an aging loved one?
An estimated 6.4 million Canadians provide unpaid care to dependent adults. We're going to have two guests who can talk through the situations that come up when caregivers are trying to navigate care for an aging adult (often their own parents). How do you decide when someone can live on their own? Who makes that decision? And how do you have that conversation with a loved one?
Call us at 1-888-416-8333 or send a text to 226-758-8924 with your questions. If you'd rather send us your questions online, go to cbc.ca/myquestion.