Sook-Yin Lee compared Madonna to Ronald her face
I have met a lot of superstars, especially when I was working at MuchMusic.I thumb-wrestled and lost to Tom Jones, I got trapped in a tiny elevator with Moby - which was truly terrifying - and Patti Smith gave a shout out to me from the stage just before she belted a song and peed her pants which is one...
I have met a lot of superstars, especially when I was working at MuchMusic.
I thumb-wrestled and lost to Tom Jones, I got trapped in a tiny elevator with Moby - which was truly terrifying - and Patti Smith gave a shout out to me from the stage just before she belted a song and peed her pants which is one of her rock star moves.

Keanu Reeves/CP
There was that one time however, when I was rendered utterly speechless in the presence of a particular actor.
I never really thought much of Keanu Reeves (CP photo) until I was sitting a foot away from him. That guy is so super-naturally hunky I could not speak or think. My brain froze during an interview in front of a live audience!
Later my friend - who also happens to be a total babe - was handpicked from the crowd, by Keanu, to visit him in his hotel room that night for a personal one-on-one.
And guess what they did? Well, she went to his room, dressed to the nines and he asked her questions. She talked and talked and talked about herself and Keanu just sat there listening and asking more questions. After a few hours she left, and he watched TV. Talk about anti-climactic!
Another memorable interview was with Madonna in Beverly Hills. Behind the scenes I was told that I could not use my own camera, that all the journalists had to use her camera that stayed on a wide shot and never went to a close up of her face.
She seemed powerful and insecure and to make matters worse, she was surrounded by a team of assistants who were afraid of upsetting her. Madonna and her team emanated an unbearable sense of self conscious terror.
It took some doing wrestling my own feelings of nervousness. Take a look at how Madge reacts to my question comparing her to Ronald McDonald and the Pope.