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Three top math tips for parents

Kids struggling with math? University prof Anna Stokke offers strategies for parents.
Anna Stokke works with kids to help them improve their math skills. (supplied by Anna Stokke)

Anna Stokke is a math professor at the University of Winnipeg who was stunned to learn the approach to teaching math had changed by the time her daughter was in grade three. That realization led to huge changes in her family’s life, along with big changes to math curricula in Western Canada.  Click the player above to hear Anna's story, and take a look below for her tips.

Anna Stokke's Top Math Tips

1. Make sure your child memorizes their times tables. This takes a lot of work and sometimes it seems like the child is never going to get it but they eventually do. Make sure they memorized all their times tables up till 9x9, 12x12 even better.

2. Make sure your child has mastered the conventional methods for doing arithmetic. Addition with a carry, subtraction with a borrow, long division, multiplication. And make sure they learn it through lots of practice at home.

3. Go down to your local bookstore and pick up JUMP Math workbooks for your child’s grade. It’s an excellent program and it’s really easy to work with and kids love it. It teaches in incremental steps written by a Canadian charity. If you pick that up and work with your child regularly, that will really help them a lot.