Why Sook-Yin Lee jumped on the Blue Jays bandwagon
Find out what she does to de-stress during the games

A few weeks ago, like so many Canadians, I was hit by Blue Jays fever.
Now, there are forever fans and there are fair-weather fans.
My partner Adam is a forever fan. He still wears his oversized 1992 Blue Jays t-shirt he got when he was a kid, featuring at least 50 clashing fonts. It hurts my eyes!
But as the Jays started to pick up steam this year, I was won over. I think I'm referred to as a fair-weather fan, but I prefer the term "recent convert."
I ended up buying tickets for my family to watch the Jays beat Tampa Bay and we loved it! It was great to experience first-hand the incredible cross-section of culture at a baseball game, with foot-long hot dogs, ecstatic fans, children, octogenarians and those magnificent athletes who are a sight to behold.
As a "recent convert," I watch almost all the games and I even listen to the post-game podcast. Now that the competition is getting down to the nitty-gritty, though, it's becoming a nail-biting experience for me. When things get too intense, I need a distraction. So, when I watch the Jays play, I bake bread at the same time.
I know it's a dead giveaway that I'm not a forever fan but I'm working on it.
In honour of the Blue Jays, this week's DNTO is dedicated to stories about baseball. Tune in Saturday at 3 p.m. on CBC Radio 1. Go, Jays, go!