Day 6 Encore: A border wall would run down the middle of their street

When Republicans gather at their convention in Cleveland on Monday, they'll be voting on the party's platform.
Among other things, it includes Donald Trump's plan for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Last fall, as talk of a border wall reached a fever pitch, then-Republican-hopeful Scott Walker seemed to sign on to the idea of a wall along the Canadian border too. He back-tracked quickly ... but not before being ridiculed on social media and becoming the butt of many, many Game of Thrones Ice Wall jokes.
But for the people who live in the border towns of Stanstead, Quebec and Derby, Vermont ... this was no laughing matter. Their towns straddle the Canada-US border. And they share a street called Canusa (can-oo-sah)... that honours both countries.
This Day 6 audio tour first aired last September.