Lawyers who defend alleged terrorists
According to a recent poll, 70 per cent of Americans want the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. But Tsarnaev does have someone in his corner - defense attorney Judy Clarke. We assemble a panel of defense attorneys whose clients faced charges of plotting or participating in terror attacks: John Norris is the attorney for Raed Jaser (one of the men accused...

According to a recent poll, 70 per cent of Americans want the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. But Tsarnaev does have someone in his corner - defense attorney Judy Clarke. We assemble a panel of defense attorneys whose clients faced charges of plotting or participating in terror attacks: John Norris is the attorney for Raed Jaser (one of the men accused of plotting to derail a VIA rail train) and he has also represented members of the Toronto 18 and Omar Khadr, Tamar Birckhead represented Richard Reid in the " shoe bombing" case of the early 2000s, and Ronald Kuby represented Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.