Why did you cross the road? To get a hot chicken sandwich — along with everyone else!
The Cost of Living for August 29, 2021

- The Cost of Living ❤s money — how it makes (or breaks) us.
We also repeat the following Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in most provinces.
Catch us Sundays on CBC Radio One at 12:00 p.m. (12:30 p.m. NT).
Miss a segment? Find this week's stories below.
Have you noticed chicken sandwiches popping up at nearly every restaurant from Popeye's to Swiss Chalet to Red Lobster?
The hot chicken sandwich and all of its cousins are having a meteoric rise up the pecking order of poultry products.
We don't exactly know why Red Lobster, of all places, is selling chicken — but Cost of Living host Paul Haavardsrud and senior business producer Tony Seskus look at what the cluck is going on with chicken sandwiches in Canada and the United States.

When it comes to hot real estate, try a love letter for your housing
Best of The Cost of Living — Originally aired April 11, 2021.
With housing prices skyrocketing and demand for real estate through the roof in Canada, some prospective buyers have taken to writing letters to sellers to try and get the edge on the competition.
Senior producer Jennifer Keene asks if an old fashioned <<billet-doux>> to your potential home seller actually works?
Perhaps the only words that matter in a bidding war the ones that come with dollar signs and additional zeros — namely, money.

Who Killed the Jingle?
Best of The Cost of Living — Originally aired June 13, 2021.
These days, artists like Celine Dion and the White Stripes supply the soundtrack to commercials, edging out the classic albeit cheesy earworms of decades past.
Producer Anis Heydari explains why the era of 'big jingle' is on the way out, but both small local businesses and irony continue to put jingles into our ears.

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