Robots might take your job, but they could also generate new ones! That is, unless you're a middle manager…
Some economists predict the pandemic could speed up the shift towards more automation in the workplace. While increasing productivity could benefit Canada’s economy in the long run, it could mean changes for the humans still on the job.
The Cost of Living for April 25, 2021

- The Cost of Living ❤s money — how it makes (or breaks) us.
Catch us Sundays on CBC Radio One at 12:00 p.m. (12:30 p.m. NT).
We also repeat the following Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in most provinces.
Miss a segment? Find this week's stories below.
The robots are coming! Actually, tens of thousands of them are already in Canadian workplaces.From advanced cleaning robots to agriculture to healthcare, robots presence on the shop floor goes far beyond manufacturing.
The good news is that adding more robots to our workforce may not be as bad for the human job market as you might think.

We also hear the story of how a young woman in Halifax used the pandemic pause as an opportunity to build her career and develop entrepreneurial skills, while pursuing a business idea long dreamt of.

And the federal government is promising billions of dollars to push a "green" economic recovery.
But are these jobs, promised to be rooted in low emissions and more environmentally friendly practices, as easy to get as the money is to spend?
We hear from an oilpatch worker who details the years of training and the money it cost to make the switch to a green job.

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