What grade do you give the Trudeau government on COVID-19?
Liberals see a surge in support for pandemic response. Will a projected $343-billion deficit change that?

The federal Liberal government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has earned it a surge in poll support — and a projected $343 billion deficit, thanks to an ongoing suite of support programs that have pushed spending to levels not seen since the Second World War.
The boost in the polls puts Justin Trudeau's Liberals back in the conversation for a future majority government. But that was before they unveiled their latest deficit projections.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau defended the steep price tag in the House of Commons, arguing that the human cost of inaction would have been far greater.
But Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said the government's fiscal snapshot included no plans to stimulate growth or attract investment in the near future.
Provinces and cities across the country are gradually reopening parts of their economies as the number of new positive cases declines. It's a stark contrast to the United States, where the numbers of new cases and deaths continue to climb.
Our question for this week, with guest host Rosemary Barton: What grade do you give the Trudeau government on COVID-19?
Plus, we've got another COVID-19 Ask Me Anything segment. Ask our experts about what the pandemic means for your summer plans, going back to school, masks and more.