How do you feel about Canada's diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Olympic Games?
Canada won't be sending government diplomats to the Winter Olympics in February. Neither will the United States, United Kingdom or Australia. What do you think of the move?
Does it go far enough? Call us: 1-888-416-8333

Canada won't be sending government diplomats to the Winter Olympics in Beijing this February. Neither will the United States, United Kingdom or Australia.
Officials hope the move will send a message to China that human rights abuses by its government have not gone unnoticed. Meanwhile, Beijing dismissed the announcements as a "farce."
Our question this week: How do you feel about Canada's diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Olympic Games? Does it go far enough?
Tell us what you think: Call us at 1-888-416-8333, email us, or find us on Facebook and Twitter.