Trump's 'extraordinary' health, self-driving Ubers, and Italians won't have babies.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared this week on The Dr. Oz Show to brag about his 'astonishingly excellent' health. Our hilarious panel is playing the quiz game - Who Said It: Dr. Oz or Dr. Seuss?
It's that time of the year when the Oxford English Dictionary is updated. Listen to our first ever spelling bee, where we test our panellists on words like 'yogalates' and 'fuhggedaboudit.'
A new season of Because News means new merchandise. Because Booze flask anyone? What about a Because Snooze alarm clock? Check out our catalogue and vote now.
Because News
This week's panel:
- actor and comedian Scott Thompson
- comedian Candy Palmater
- author and broadcaster Tom Howell
Catch our show on CBC Radio 1 Saturday at 11 a.m., and Monday at 11:30 a.m.
Because News is written and produced by Elizabeth Bowie, David Carroll, Gavin Crawford and Phil Leung, with writing help this week from James Hartnett and Scott Vrooman.