Surprise! You have a uterus!
A menstruating doll is on the toy market. Because being a pubescent girl wasn't already awkward enough.

This week, the National Post reported that a new doll accessory kit is on the market, helping parents explain "the change" to their daughters. It includes coloured pads and liner stickers, along with a pair of doll panties. It's a great help for that parent-on-the-go who stubbornly refuses to have a frank and honest discussion with their daughter.

BELOW: Listen to our panellist Tom Howell giving his imaginary daughter "the period talk." God help her…

You learned how to ride the cotton pony and off you went.- Guest host Talia Schlanger on how a young girl copes with her first period
Check out this promotional video for the kit, which includes an intensely awkward "rap" that with the verse:
You're about to be a woman /
And here's the main feature /
You'll get eggs in your belly /
j-j-just like Easter
DJ Flo in the (woman)hooooood!