New lyrics to O Canada, Big Marijuana and the tragically ripped off
Author Tom Howell and actors Suresh John and Rebecca Northan take on this week's news quiz
Toronto police raided 43 pot dispensaries and arrested over 90 people. In light of this news, our panellists try and guess which former politicians are actually in the marijuana business.
Members of Parliament voted to change the national anthem. Do you know why?
Play this week's hashtag game: #MakeATVShowHigh. Take a TV show, and make it high. Don't worry, no one will be arrested for playing this game.
Because News.
This week on the show:
- Actor Suresh John
- Author and broadcaster Tom Howell
- Actor and improvisor Rebecca Northan
Because News is written and produced by Elizabeth Bowie, David Carroll, Gavin Crawford and Phil Leung, with writing help this week from James Hartnett and Scott Vrooman.