Thursday: No Charges Car Crash, Ferguson Gun Shop, Santacon and more...

No charges against the Quebec police officer who struck and killed a five-year-old boy -- and his aunt struggles to understand why her family has been given no explanation...TransCanada says the Keystone XL pipeline is still a good idea -- but after a series of setbacks, it's now looking to get into the oil-by-rail business...As Ferguson, Missouri waits anxiously to hear whether a white police officer will be charged for killing a black teenager, a gun shop owner tells us about his skyrocketing sales.
Part One
No Charges Car Crash
No charges against the Quebec police officer who struck and killed a five-year-old boy. His family has been given no explanation why.
Ferguson Gun Shop
All kinds of preparations are underway, as people await the grand jury decision on whether or not to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Now there's news that gun sales are way up in areas around St. Louis, as people prepare for the worst.
SantaCon is New York's annual gathering of tens of thousands of Santas. When Betsy Maher found out that SantaCon might be coming to Bushwick this year, she organized a boycott.
Part Two
Keystone XL
TransCanada may be considering other options than the Keystone XL pipeline for shipping Alberta oil to the U.S.
Tape: Ursula Leguin
Science-Fiction author Ursula Le Guin received a National Book Award for her life's work.
Buffalo Snow Latest
Chrissy Hazard and her family have been snowed in, trapped in their home since Tuesday.
Part Three
Albinism Awareness Day
Next June 13th has been declared Albinism Awareness Day by the United Nations, in part because of efforts by Vancouver's Garth Mullins.
Baptist Same Sex
Congregants at Crescent Hill Baptist Church learned that the Kentucky Baptist Convention had voted to end their relationship with their church because of same-sex marriages being performed there.
Most Boring Fundraiser
The Desert Bus for Hope is almost certainly the most boring fundraiser ever invented. A bunch of drivers will play Desert Bus in front of a live webcam for as long as people continue to donate money in support of a children's charity.