Egypt: Coptic Christian, listener response: Sun TV folds, hawk visitor, and more...

After ISIS releases a video in which 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians are beheaded, Egypt launches airstrikes to avenge their deaths...our interviews with two hosts from the now-defunct Sun News Network gave some of you a nasty burn -- in particular, Carol's fiery conversation with Ezra Levant...and one minute, Drew Arnold was a little chilly in his underpants -- the next, he was perspiring, after a red-tailed hawk smashes its way into his room and poops on all his stuff.
Part One
Egypt: Coptic Christian
An act of revenge brings a sense of relief. Egypt has launched air strikes against ISIS in Libya, after the Islamist militants released a video of the massacre of twenty-one Coptic Christians. Our guest is the editor of a Coptic newspaper in Egypt -- and for him, the retaliation is about no less than restoring Egyptian sovereignty.
U.K. charity
Several high-profile board members of a charity designed to promote Canada in the United Kingdom resign -- accusing the Canadian government of meddling.
Hawk visitor
Hard to say who was more shocked: the guy who'd just got out of bed when a hawk smashed through his bedroom window, or the hawk confronted with a panicky guy with no pants on. Just kidding: the guy was more shocked. And, as he tells us, he still is.
Part Two
Mohamed Fahmy
Mohamed Fahmy speaks to us as a free man -- but with a retrial looming, his future -- and whether he'll return to Canada -- remains uncertain.
Listener response: Sun News Network shuts down
On Friday, after spending much of its nearly four years on the ropes, Sun News Network was pronounced down for the count. Carol spoke with David Akin, Sun News' Parliamentary Bureau Chief and Ezra Levant, host of "The Source." Following the broadcast, many sent notes wishing Mr. Akin well, but our interview with Mr. Levant proved more polarizing.
"The Secret Songs of Sam Larkin"
Sam Larkin was a songwriter's songwriter -- and Bob Wiseman tells us about a new, posthumous album featuring the late songwriter's songwriter's songs.
Part Three
Encore: Feature interview with Ben Lerner, on his second novel 10:04
His latest novel is timely -- and not just because its title is actually a time -- an encore presentation of our interview with Ben Lerner, whose book 10:04 follows the adventures of a protagonist with the implausible name of "Ben Lerner". Includes a reading by the author.