As It Happens - Wednesday Edition

Part One
California fires: diner
For 60-plus years, the Summit Inn diner on what used to be Route 66 served the famous and the simply famished -- but now, the landmark has been destroyed by a wildfire.
Mauril Bélanger obit
Ottawa mourns the death of MP Mauril Belanger -- and his friend, Madeleine Meilleur, says his commitment to equality inspired his final fight for a gender-neutral anthem.
Stolen antlers returned
In 1964, Hunter S. Thompson stole an impressive pair of elk horns from the home of the late Ernest Hemingway. Now, Mr. Thompson's widow has finally returned them -- not to the elk, but to the Hemingways.
Part Two
Caster Semenya: IOC gender consultant
Joanna Harper is a transgender runner who sympathizes with the South African Olympic athlete -- but says Caster Semenya's elevated testosterone levels mean she shouldn't be allowed to compete.
Breitbart journalist
Donald Trump brings in a new campaign chairman: Steve Bannon of Breitbart News. And if you thought he'd restore rationality to an unhinged campaign, a former Breitbart editor has news for you.