As It Happens: Tuesday Edition

Part One
Rock snot scientist
Under the Harper government, scientist Max Bothwell wasn't allowed to talk about his research into "rock snot" -- but now he's free to discuss it, however disgusting.
Federal judge review
He's already been prohibited from hearing sexual assault cases -- but a group of law professors wants Federal Court Justice Robin Camp removed completely, after he's accused of victim-blaming.
Letter trunk
In the Netherlands, an academic discovers a trunk full of undelivered mail from three hundred years ago -- providing an exciting glimpse into how 18th-century Dutch aristocrats sexted.
Part Two
Coderre sewage dump
At 12:01 tomorrow morning, Montreal will begin spewing eight billion litres of sewage into the St. Lawrence River -- and Mayor Denis Coderre tells us why he's going with the flow.
Bangladesh blogger wife
Another Bangladeshi writer suffers a vicious attack; his wife tells us what she's doing to try to bring him to Canada.
Part Three
British soldier arrest
It's been 43 years, nine months, and 11 days since Bloody Sunday. Today, a former British soldier was arrested in connection with the massacre in Northern Ireland. Kate Nash's brother William was killed on Bloody Sunday, and her father was injured.
Vet medal search
First, his wife found four Second World War medals. Then she forgot about them. Now, a B.C. man is using social media to try to return them to their rightful owners.
Maori Manitoba advice
This week, a Maori group from New Zealand is visiting Manitoba, and offering an indigenous approach to keeping children out of foster care.