As It Happens - Thursday Edition

Part One
Charles Kinsey's lawyer
Charles Kinsey was on the ground, on his back, with his hands in the air, speaking calmly to Miami police -- but an officer shot and wounded the black behavioural therapist anyway.
False police press release
Ottawa police use an unusual method to help convict two people of murder -- but our guest says their deceptive press release about a piece of evidence created a serious ethical problem.
Swan attacks boats
A violent, territorial swan is smashing and capsizing boats on a British lake -- and it's a big deal, even if the remote-control model boats in question are small.
Part Two
Turkish professor
Since last week's failed coup, the Turkish government has arrested thousands of people -- and now thousands of the country's university deans are facing pressure to resign.
Negative bonds
CIBC becomes the first Canadian bank to issue negative-yield bonds, which will actually lose investors money over time -- but even though they generate no interest, they're generating a lot of interest.