Self-styled psychic Uri Geller plans to 'beam' into Theresa May's mind to stop Brexit
Uri Geller says he will use his telepathic powers to bring about a second referendum

Following the Brexit fiasco is a mind-bending ordeal — so it follows that stopping Brexit will require mind-bending as well.
Enter Uri Geller.
Geller is perhaps best known as a purported spoon bender. But the self-proclaimed psychic says his telepathic powers can also sway sports games and global arms treaties.
And now, in an open letter, Geller is announcing plans to solve Brexit by taking aim at the mind of Theresa May.
At 11:11 every morning and night, Geller will visualize the United Kingdom's prime minister revoking Brexit and he is asking the world to add their energy to his mission.
As It Happens guest host Megan Williams spoke to Geller about the plan. Here is part of their conversation.
You wrote something of an unusual open letter and you made a threat of sorts to the British prime minister. Tell us what you plan on doing to stop Brexit through the mind of Theresa May.
My letter to her was not a threat. I basically wanted her to understand that I'm very serious about this and I wanted her to know that I'm going to do everything in my capacity, through telepathical powers, to convince her to do a second referendum.
An open letter to <a href="">@theresa_may</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
You're going to take control of Theresa May's mind. Is that correct?
No, you're slightly exaggerating. I'm going to beam my mind power with the help of millions of other people.
I'm not a miracle worker and I'm not a prophet and I'm not a guru. But I believe with the power of the mind of the people in the U.K. and my method of transmitting this energy — she might change her mind.
I would basically visualize her giving in and saying, "OK, I want this second referendum. I'm giving my people a second vote."
I must tell you that I'm already receiving thousands of emails. There's no way I can read them. But there are so many people who are with me on this. Look, we have nothing to lose. We can try it and why not?
I've convinced the Russians to sign the nuclear arms reduction treaty. I was asked directly by the head of the American foreign relations committee, Sen. Claiborne Pell. I bombarded Yuli Vorontsoz's mind and they signed the nuclear treaty.

I think many people would argue that these examples that you're citing have nothing to do with paranormal activity. I mean, when I was a kid, I thought I stopped figure skaters from falling by squeezing my eyes shut. How do you prove this?
Well, you know Megan, you might have a point. I respect what you just said. But just Google the fact of how many people — yes, this is very important — believe in the paranormal.
I talk to those believers. I don't deal with skeptics. To me skeptics are a tiny minority — insignificant, molecular, tiny minority.
OK, so for those who believe in your powers, and let's, for the benefit of the doubt, say that there's some truth to this. Is there not an argument that you shouldn't be entrusted to intervene on such an important issue? I mean, you're not an elected official. How is using paranormal activity democratic?
You might have a point that this is very non-democratic.
But, here is the big but, if I have to weigh the non-democratic act that I might be doing versus the catastrophe that will happen if U.K. leaves the EU — that, I weigh that, and here is the most important — young people would be hurt.
🥄❤️ <a href=""></a>
But Uri, there are many issues that are urgent, and arguably far more urgent, than the consequences of Brexit. It seems rather random that you've selected this issue. ... Why aren't you focusing your telepathic powers on helping people be saved from catastrophes?
Megan, how do you know that I don't? You can't.
But you've made a public statement on this issue and you've asked thousands and millions of people to help you.
But this is how it rolled out. It's snowballed and I adhere to it. I got all these begging emails from young people in England asking me to help, and I went for it. Megan, I'm doing other things that I don't talk about.

Now, you have, I assume, started your telepathic work on Theresa May. When will we know, when will we start seeing some results?
Megan, I have no idea. Remember, I'm not a prophet.
I can only hope and pray that it'll work.
Aren't you telepathic? Shouldn't you know whether it's going to work or not?
No, not necessarily. This is a complicated issue. This is not something simple that I can just predict and know.
There are certain things that even I don't know.
Alright, one last question. I've just written a number down on a piece of paper...
[Interrupts] No. No, don't. Megan, don't.
What number have I written?
You're trying to be kind of cheeky with me. Don't do that. I mean, you know how many interviews I have today? At least 17 or 18.
Look, Megan, I congratulate you on one thing, actually...
[Laughs] Actually you got the number...
You're a brilliant presenter. You're a brilliant interviewer.
I wrote 17...
I wish you all the best and a big hug to all the Canadian people. Thank you so much. And it's good that you are a skeptic. But I respect you.
OK. Thanks.
Bye bye.
Written by Sarah-Joyce Battersby and John McGill. Interview produced by Sarah-Joyce Battersby. Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.