As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Steve Bannon profile
Critics have called Steve Bannon a bigot, a misogynist and a fascist — and now, President-elect Donald Trump has called him his chief White House strategist and senior advisor.
Margot Bentley obit
Margot Bentley spent years in a vegetative state before her death last week in a B.C. nursing home — even though her living will specifically asked she be allowed to die.
Newfoundland houseboat
It travelled some three thousand kilometres in just a few months — and with our guest's help, we'll try to figure out how an empty houseboat floated from Newfoundland to Ireland.
Part Two
Human Rights Watch: Kurdish war crimes?
Kurdish forces have been key Canadian and coalition allies in the fight against ISIS in Iraq. Now, those forces have been accused of destroying Arab homes — which could be a war crime.
New Zealand earthquake
Just after midnight, the tremors began — and tonight, a resident near the epicenter of the earthquake in New Zealand tells us what things look like in the cold light of day.
Part Three
Blackrock: NDP
The Prime Minister pitches trillion-dollar-investment giants on Canadian infrastructure investments — but the NDP's finance critic says taxpayers will wind up paying in the end.
Gwen Ifill obit
American journalist Gwen Ifill died today at 61 years old. In a January, 2009 talk at Google, she denied that Barack Obama's election victory was a transformational breakthrough for black politicians in the United States.
You've Got Mail
"You've got mail!" Uber driver Elwood Edwards tells us about his past life as the AOL inbox guy — and his present life saying the same phrase to every passenger he gets.