As It Happens - Monday Edition

Part One
Assisted dying challenge
Canada's new legislation makes assisted death available only to people with terminal illnesses — which is why a BC woman with Spinal Muscular Atrophy is fighting it in court.
Brexit: Labour turmoil
The Brexit vote didn't just split the country, it split British politicial parties — and while calls for Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to resign are getting louder, our guest says is sticking by him.
Rossby Whistle
Scientists have just discovered we're getting weird vibes from the entire Caribbean Sea. And those vibrations are causing a weird sound, which — well, the whole thing's weird.
Part Two
Somalia attack: minister
Militants storm a hotel in Mogadishu, killing fifteen people, including a Somali-Canadian politician — and tonight, a friend who survived that attack tells us what he experienced.
Austin Clarke obit
The late Austin Clarke wrote poetry, memoirs, and novels — and the author of the Giller-winning "The Polished Hoe" brought a keen critical eye to his life, his adopted country, and his work.