As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Kurdi family arrives
Tima Kurdi welcomes seven family members to Canada, just months after her nephew's drowning became a symbol of the Syrian refugee crisis.
Tamir Rice shooting non-indictment
A lawyer for Tamir Rice's father says an Ohio grand jury failed the family when it decided not to indict the Cleveland officers involved in the 12-year-old's death.
Raven Thundersky
The daughter of Raven Thundersky remembers her mother's fights against asbestos insulation and the murder of indigeneous women as rooted in her own litany of loss.
Part Two
Fort Whoop Up artifacts
Albertans raise the alarm as the group that's been keeping Lethbridge's historic Fort Whoop-Up threatens to pull out with its artifacts in tow.
Roch Carrier reads "The Hockey Sweater"
A mail-order miscue slashes a boy's dreams of playing in the red-white and blue of his beloved Canadiens as Roch Carrier's reads his classic, "The Hockey Sweater."
Part Three
As it Happened, The Archive Edition: Monuments
For 68 years now, the face of a mountain in South Dakota has been slowly transforming into the face of Chief Crazy Horse. One of sculptors behind the famous Rushmore project began the work on the Crazy Horse memorial in 1947. The story of that monument and others on tonight's edition of "As It Happened: The Archive Edition".