As It Happens: Friday Edition
Part One
Afghan interpreters in US
The first planeload of Afghans who helped U.S. forces lands stateside — but an Army veteran says many thousands more remain at risk, and time is running out to save them.
Hobby Lobby tablet
The U.S. government says it will return a tablet from the Epic of Gilgamesh to Iraq — but a guest says the timing has more to do with politics than principle.
Arthur ends
With the news that the long-running children's cartoon Arthur is coming to an end, the former voice of "D.W." tells us how the show makes two-dimensional characters so three-dimensional.
Part Two
Electric truck company fraud
The founder of the electric truck company Nikola is charged with fraud for misrepresenting — well, pretty much every single aspect of his operation.
Polar bear tool use
According to a new study, stones are among the weapons polar bears sometimes grab to whack their prey.
As It Happens was produced this week by:
Katie Geleff
Sheena Goodyear
Chris Harbord
Sarah Jackson
Mehek Mazhar
Susan McReynolds
Niza Nondo
Kevin Robertson
Kate Swoger
and Chloe Shantz-Hilkes.
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director is John McGill.
The writers are Lisa Bryn-Rundle and Chris Howden. Austin Webb is our senior producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Mary-Catherine McIntosh in Halifax
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Paul MacInnis in Ottawa
Juanita Taylor in Kuujjuaq
Jonathan Ore, Alex Redekop, Brandie Weikle and Luke Williams — all in Toronto
Jenn Allen and Suzanne Dufresne in Winnipeg
Ellis Choe in Calgary
and Matt Meuse and Anne Penman in Vancouver.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night, and good weekend.