As It Happens: Friday Edition

Part One
Syrian refugee
Ahmed Yusef al Khalid's family has been through more in a month than most of us will go through in a decade. The Syrian refugee shares how he made it to Hungary -- and what he hopes will happen now.
Goldman Sachs oil
According to Goldman Sachs, the price of oil may drop to a barely imaginable twenty dollars a barrel -- and our guest gives us a crude idea of what that would mean.
BC whale paddler
A British Columbia man is thankful for all of his fingers and toes, after a pod of orcas hunting a seal burst through the water -- right underneath his paddleboard.
Part Two
Jeremy Corbyn leadership
When Jeremy Corbyn's campaign to lead the British Labour Party began, he was seen as the most marginal of candidates -- but tomorrow, the long shot is expected to make short work of his competitors.
Weather balloon found
Two years ago, Bryan Chan sent up a weather balloon with a camera attached, and then lost track of it -- but now, it's been found, along with some amazing footage.
Part Three
Marijuana shop sign
They've been operating for a long time -- so marijuana dispensaries are surprised to receive a letter from Health Canada, warning them they could face RCMP raids.
Hawaii telescope arrests
Scientists believe Hawaii's dormant Mauna Kea volcano is the perfect spot for star-gazing -- but protesters believe the mountain is sacred, and are fighting to prevent construction.
Michigan politician quits
The affair between two Michigan state representatives was one thing. The absurd attempt at a distraction-slash-cover-up was another thing. And now, neither rep is a thing: one has resigned, and the other was expelled.
As it Happens was produced this week by:
Laurie Allan
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Katie Geleff
Chris Harbord
John McGill
Kevin Robertson
Pedro Sanchez and
Kate Swoger.
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director is Kevin Ball. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Max Paris in Ottawa
Keith Hart at Radio Archives in Toronto
Dean Ples, also in Toronto
Tim Fontaine in Winnipeg
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary
Anne Penman in Vancouver, and
Nicholas Cameron in Budapest, Hungary.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night.