Former Tory minister Pat Carney to Conservatives: Let in more refugees or be voted out

Pat Carney has a message for her Conservative colleagues: Do the right thing or face the wrath of the voters.
The former Tory cabinet minister and senator has been watching how the party has responded to the current refugee crisis. And she feels they're failing those in need of safe haven, fleeing places like Syria and Iraq.
She wrote an open letter to Chris Alexander, who served as immigration minister in the last cabinet and who is running for re-election for the Conservatives in Ajax. In it, she called on him to bring 100,000 refugees to Canada immediately -- far beyond what Ottawa has proposed.
"Act from your guts and your heart," she wrote. "Otherwise, the Conservative Government should be swept out of office by a tsunami wave of anger."
The Conservatives have pledged to bring in 50,000 Iraqis and Syrians. Just 2,300 Syrians have arrived in Canada as refugees since the civil war began in 2011.
"There doesn't seem to be recognition that [this crisis] is happening in our own world. We're no longer a nation of immigrants, as we like to say. We are all family,"