Hot weather makes B.C. man's plant go bananas

For the first time in 10 years, a B.C. man's banana plant is bearing fruit.

"We saw something come out of the top of the plant … It looked more like a big hefty cob of corn," Aird Flavelle tells As it Happens guest host Matt Galloway."Sure enough, something came out the end and pretty soon we had little green bananas all over the place."
Flavelle lives in Abbotsford. Typically, the climate isn't suitable for growing bananas. The weather, however, has been unusually warm and dry this year.
"We're feeling really bad that we have a climate situation where we can grow bananas in Canada," he says. But, "with a great deal of guilt, I was absolutely thrilled."
Flavelle has since done some research online. He believes that his plant is native to Japan, and called a Musa basjoo.
"They aren't really good for picking off the tree and eating. They're a cooking banana."
When the bananas ripen, Flavelle plans on celebrating.
"I'm going to be having one heck of a banana party."