As It Happens: Friday Edition

Part 1
Shovelling it out. In the final days before the federal election is likely to be called, Conservative MPs across the country celebrate what some have called 'Pork-a-Palooza' - the day they hand out millions of dollars in federal funding.
A Palestinian toddler is killed when suspected Jewish extremists fire-bomb a home in a West Bank village. But a Jewish settler leader says there is no justification for the violence.
As vaccine trials go, twelve months isn't very long. But the initial assessment on a new Canadian-developed Ebola vaccine is extremely promising.
Part 2
Called to account. A spokesman for the UN's Secretary General says they are doing what they can to address allegations of sexual assaults against children in the Central African Republic.
Historical astigmatism. Londoners question the focus of a new museum that was to explore the history of women, but turns out to be all about . . . Jack the Ripper.
A bicycle built for a-ooooh! A Northern Ontario cyclist is happy enough to have a timber wolf along for the ride until he realizes it has an appetite for more than some exercise.